OSMHG Is hosting a pre-tryout body checking clinic.
This is a mandatory clinic for any player who is trying out for Minor Bantam thru Midget and has not participated on a team or had instruction with body contact before. Any player who wishes to take a refresher is also welcome to attend.
** Any player who played with the OMHA this past season is eligible to attend **
Marc André Proulx and
Brad Tiley will be the on-ice instructors for this clinic.
The clinics will be held:
Wed April 5th @ 7:30 - 9:00 pm Bayshore
Mon April 24th @ 8:00 - 9:30 pm Rec Centre
There will be a fee of $20 charged for this instruction.
Please complete this form to sign up for the clinic:
Body Checking Clinic - Signup Form]