Aug 12, 2013 | Rick Papke | 2375 views
Mandatory Two Deep Dressing Room Policy
Effective immediately, the OHF has introduced a new policy intended to provide a safe and comfortable dressing room environment with proper supervision for the player and team officials.
Two Deep Dressing Room Policy:
It will be the Policy of the Ontario Hockey Federation that, when any player under the age of 19 is in the team dressing room(s) before, during and after a game or practice, a minimum of two of the following shall be present in the dressing room(s) or immediately outside the dressing room(s) with the door ajar: two team or club/association officials, properly screened or one such official and an adult person associated with the team.
In the situation of Juvenile or U21 hockey the coach may use an adult player over the age of 19 to be the second adult associated with the team.
Any person found to be in violation of this policy will receive a warning for a first offence, a two week suspension for a second offence, and a one year suspension for a third offence.
Effective Date:
The policy will be in effect beginning 2013-2014 season.