Mar 23, 2011 | Rick Papke | 1748 views
Update from Mar 22nd Executive Meeting
A couple of items of interest that were decided at the March 22nd executive meeting:
• Tryouts will again be held in the fall of 2011 due to ice constraints however they will have to be completed earlier than in past years due to the new player movement rule. (Tryouts will again be reviewed for 2012 once the new facility is operational)
• A motion to have our Minor PeeWee and Major PeeWee teams play in the Tri-County league was approved by OSMHG executive. The games for this age group will be primarily on weekends. The executive will now proceed with trying to obtain the necessary approvals to do so.
• Tri-County schedules next year will be 28 games (26 for Midget) and the season will commence on September 24th.
• OSMHG approved a motion to buy hockey socks for all houseleague teams for the 2011 season so they will match.
• The next executive meeting is April 5th @ 7pm to discuss coach selection and make a decision on what Midget rep teams will be formed for 2011 and what league they will play in.