May 02, 2021 | OSMHG | 1653 views
Covid 2nd Season Refund Information
Sunday evening (May 2nd), the OSMHG executive continued discussions with regards to a potential refund due to the "Covid 2nd Season" having to be shut down early.
The following motion was passed.
"A credit be given to participants of the 2nd season for the following amounts.
U5, U6, U7 ($30)
U8 ($50)
U9 ($60)
U10 to U18 ($70)
Any credits approved would be deducted from the 2021 - 2022 registration fees.
Players must register with OSMHG for the 2021 - 2022 season in order to benefit from the credit.
If OSMHG is unable to offer a program to a particular age group, a refund rather than a credit will be considered. "