Owen Sound Minor
Hockey is pleased to announce the re-opening of our program. Thanks to all people who have stepped up to
offer volunteer time so we can get our players back on the ice!
will be open from
February 15th - 20th with the season starting at
some point during the week of February 22nd and wrapping up April 18th,
Our plan is to offer 2 ice times per week, with the exception of U5 which will be once a week. The number of registrants in each age group and “bubble” will determine the program to be offered. There will be no early morning ice sessions this season and the plan (registration pending) is to offer the following:
· U6 & U7: Skills and Drills
· U8 & ABOVE: Games
As with the first season, when you sign up for Owen Sound Minor Hockey, we ask that this is the only program you register for, for game play. For the safety of all the participants and volunteers within our program we ask that no players participate in exhibition games of any sort and do not participate in Tournaments.
All new players who were not registered for season 1 will be placed on a waiting list then put into their age-appropriate division and “bubble” on a first come first serve bases until “bubbles” are full.
If the season is paused during season 2, consideration will be given to providing a credit of fees towards next season.
Players who had already registered for season 2 in December, need not register again. If you are uncertain if you registered, please contact the registrar ([email protected])