After an extensive meeting with the Executive on
Tuesday evening we are cautiously optimistic that the developments locally and
overall in the Province will allow for us to resume play in some form later
this month. We believe strongly in the mental and physical benefits that
hockey provides to our young players and are committed to trying to get players
of ALL ages
and abilities back on the ice as soon as it is safe to do so.
OSMHG continues to work diligently with its governing bodies and the City of Owen Sound to assess programming options and structures to ensure that we will be ready to get back on the ice if and when COVID lockdown restrictions are lifted.
In preparing for various scenarios, OSMHG is asking for the following commitment in order to facilitate future ice sessions.
Every Team must have a coach, trainer, and a Management Person to handle COVID Related policies, implementations, and monitoring duties. These duties will include:
• Check-in screening
• Reporting screening to OSMHG within 24hrs of ice time.
• Help inform/remind players, parents, team personnel, and even the general public of current COVID policy. Upon entry to the ice surface area, outside the dressing room door, and the exit when leaving.
• Help the coaching staff track warnings/violations of said protocols and rules
• Ensure NO participants are entering the Arena via an exterior door which is not the front entrance.
Without committed volunteers outside the executive and coaching staff it will not be possible to SAFELY run another series of ice times.
Those age groups without 3 volunteers per team (Coach, Trainer, COVID management), regrettably, will not be offered a second hockey session. For age groups that have the generosity and commitment of volunteers, OSMHG hopes to secure enough ice slots for 8 ice sessions through a 6-8 week time period.
At this point, we need to secure enough volunteers for each age group and are asking ANYONE willing to help, to please email [email protected] with the following information:
• Name
• Volunteer Position (Coach/Trainer/COVID Manger)
• Cell/Email contact
• Childs Name
• Division and Tier
• Team child played for last ice session
Once again, we truly appreciate the amazing level of support and patience from our players, coaches, volunteers and families as we continue to navigate through these difficult and unchartered waters.
We remain hopeful to extend the season as long as we are safely able to do so.