OSMHG is excited to announce that registration is OPEN for the upcoming season. Act quickly it closes September 10th!
We've had a great response and will definitely be able to offer Tiered hockey for Atom thru Midget (Our younger divisions also have very strong numbers).
Registration Has been extended by a few days so if you are wanting to participate and haven't signed up yet make sure to do it asap. )
The OMHA (in consultation with many other agencies), has introduced the guidelines for allowing players to return to the ice. Based on that, we have created a return to hockey plan which has been approved by the City of Owen Sound and has been submitted to the Grey Bruce Health Unit for approval. The OMHA must then also provide their final approval.
Although hockey will be much different this year, our objective will be to provide a SAFE & FUN experience for all players and families.
The following are some of the guidelines we must follow:
Players who were registered with us last year are welcome to register with us again this year. If this is not your home centre, you may choose to return to your home centre. If this is your home centre and you played somewhere else last year, you may choose to register here for this season.
• Players may only play in one minor hockey association. i.e. female players may only play in either OMHA or OWHA not both.
• Players are not allowed to play in unsanctioned leagues during the hockey season.
• There will be
no tryouts traditional travel hockey or tournaments this year.
• We will be splitting the hockey year into two seasons (Oct - Dec) and (Jan thru March). Registration for the second season will open in December.
• Due to the size of the teams, we are unable to allow for friend requests.
The first two weeks of the season will be spent in skills/evaluations
• At this time and for the forseeable future, all games will be in the 3 / 3 or 4 / 4 format. The maximum roster size per team is 10. The local Health Unit, OMHA and provincial government determines when we can move to the next stage.
• We will be creating two tiers in the Atom thru Midget divisions to allow for a more enjoyable, competitive experience. Both tiers will be a minor/major mix . Each tier has a maximum capacity of a 50 players per bubble. Each of these players will be given their own jersey to keep.
• Preschool (U5) has 1 skate per week. All others will be on the ice twice a week. (Atom thru Midget will have one practice and one game. ) Only 1 (one) parent per child will be permitted inside the facility and must adhere to the OSMHG, City of Owen Sound, Ontario Government and public health guidelines.
• All of this is subjext to change due to an ever changing landscape and availability of facilities.
To begin registration, visit our
registration page.
Remember registrations close September 10th!