Aug 16, 2020 | OSMHG | 2735 views
Return To Play UPDATE
Our OHF director Phillip McKee has recently made the comment “ No return to normal Rep hockey until there’s a vaccine”. The model for re-opening is not built on representative hockey. This model is built on getting players back on the ice.
Tryouts , travel leagues , tournaments & year end championships won’t likely occur until stage 4. McKee goes on to say “That won’t likely come until the province moves into the 4th stage of its re-opening plan”. To read the complete article (click here).
With Owen Sound Minor Hockey Group we are fortunate enough to have adequate membership numbers to offer a Tier 1 and Tier 2 - Non contact 3 on 3 ( or 4 on 4).
The OMHA has given the opportunity for its members to sign up for the team that they played for last year OR return to their home organizations.
This applies to AAA players , NRP (Passport Players) and players playing on a 3.5 waiver.
Registration will open September 1 to September 10th for all divisions.
Our programming will commence once we receive approval from the OMHA , Public Health Department and the city of Owen Sound.
We are planning on starting late September, early October. The first 2 weeks for U10 and above will be evaluation camps for Tier 1 and Tier 2 play.
U9 and under will experience the same skills programming as in the past.
There will be a maximum of 10 players on a team.
The programming will be based on Safety - Fun - Skill Development.
This is an excellent time for our association to strengthen and grow with skill developments.
At all times we will follow the OHF return to play document- Published July 27th. (Click here for full details)
When hockey’s ready to return to normal , we will be in an excellent position.
Our return to play is very fluid and can change at anytime within Hockey Canada , OHF , OMHA , Public Health, Owen Sound city facilities.
Take care - Stay safe
Grant Oldrieve