Major Bantams Face Off Against Hunger, News, Bantam Major, 2016-17 (Owen Sound Minor Hockey Group)

This Team is part of the 2016-17 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 16, 2016 | Chris Hughes | 1292 views
Major Bantams Face Off Against Hunger
The Major Bantams are helping the Salvation Army Food Bank by organizing a food drive, and ask you for your support with the donation of non perishable food items.  This will be the second year that our team has been involved in assisting this important cause. Last season we were able to deliver 1204 lbs of food due to the generosity of people like you.

There are many families that depend on the Owen Sound Food Bank to supply food on a monthly basis. Unfortunately, the number of families in need of assistance is not decreasing. Our food drive will be from Tuesday October 18, to Tuesday November 8.  

To make donating as convenient as possible, our practice times are on Tuesday nights at the Bayshore from 8:30-9:30 pm and Thursday mornings from 6:30-7:30 at the Bayshore. Please contact Coach Millman at  Home 519 371 2467 or E-mail [email protected]  or Text 519 372 6106 if you need items picked up. 

We thank your team in advance for helping the less fortunate. On Behalf of the Major Bantam Attack: Graham Gateman,  CJ Hughes, Andrew Suchomel, Travis Morrison. 