Jan 26, 2014 | morrisonj | 772 views
Minor Atoms 4-0 to OMHA playoff start
A 5-1 win tonight against the Hespeler Shamrocks makes for a decent 4-0 start to the Brian Picket Ride Centre Minor Atom Attack road to glory! Things were really even until Landen Humphries opened up the scoring late in the second. Cole Gowan blew the barn doors wide open with a 3rd period hat trick. Eric Barnard sealed the deal with his nifty single tally. Helpers came off the sticks of Cole Gowan, Landen Humphries and Sammy Barrett(2). This was a penalty riddled affair putting our defence to the test in a shorthanded effort. Special note to the outstanding effort made by netminder Noah Hemstock who seemed to play most of the game without his stick!