Dec 05, 2010 | peeweeae | 944 views
Character Building Weekend
Three consecutive hard fought battles ended in losses this weekend as the PeeWee AE team played Collingwood in league play and Hanover and Meaford at the Aurther PeeWee Tournament.
Trent Duncan and Brad Bishop scored against Collingwood in a 7 2 loss. Duncan scored two against Hanover in the 9 2 loss and Alex MacNeil scored late in the third period as Meaford defeated them in a 6 1 loss. As the team embarks on the 2nd half of the season and looks at playing the tougher league teams several times over the next month the lessons learnt will make this team a force to be reckoned with. Physical play, discipline and team work will be the key to the teams success down the stretch.