Owen Sound Minor Hockey is excited to once again host the
Canadian Tire First Shift program.
Do you know of a young person between the ages of 6 & 10 that has never played our great game of hockey and might be interested in trying the sport?
THE FIRST SHIFT, is the answer.
What: The First Shift is a program designed to ease kids and their families into the sport of hockey in a fun and friendly environment. We begin with a Welcome Event, offering information and activities to help build kids’ confidence and make them, and their parents, more comfortable in the hockey environment.
The program includes 6 on ice sessions - one per week on the same day, at the same time to make it convenient for parents to schedule. The focus for the on ice sessions is fun, teaching kids basic skating and fundamental hockey skills through play.
The registration fee is $199 and includes:
-Welcome Session (information, education, equipment fitting)
-Six (6) on-ice sessions
-Head to toe Bauer hockey equipment
What is First Shift ?
The Canadian Tire First Shift program is designed to ensure a positive experience for new-to-hockey families. We want families to experience the game at its best — to understand why so many Canadians feel an inherent love for the sport, and to stimulate a desire for continued participation. We want to take away any intimidation as it relates to equipment requirements, and/or rules of the game, remove potential safety concerns, and most importantly, provide an experience that is memorable and fun.
We believe in all hockey has to offer kids, their families and our communities. We designed the Canadian Tire First Shift program to facilitate entry into hockey by offering a program that is ACCESSIBLE, AFFORDABLE, SAFE, and most importantly, FUN! We cannot wait to help your kids fall in love with hockey.
Who is eligible to enrol?
The Canadian Tire First Shift is open to boys and girls ages 6-10, who have not previously registered for hockey. The MHA registrar will check each name against the Hockey Canada Registry.
How do I register?
Kick off event
Session Dates (6 sessions, likely between October - January):
Stay tuned for more information.