Tournament Rules, News, March Break Local League Tourney, 2017-18 (Owen Sound Minor Hockey Group)

This Tournament is part of the 2017-18 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 26, 2018 | stataj | 881 views
Tournament Rules
Please read below for full tournament rules:
Owen Sound March Break LL Tournament Rules

1. All OMHA and CHA rules will apply (Neck Guards and Mouth Guards are mandatory. GTHL & Alliance Teams are exempt. 
1.All divisions are non-body contact. 
2. A team representative must register upstairs at the Julie MacArthur Regional Recreation Centre (Tournament Headquarters) on the day of your first game, at least 45 minutes prior to the team's first game. Team representative must bring a copy of team’s official roster, travel permit or PTP form and settle up any outstanding debts to the tournament. If any of these items are not completed then the team will not be permitted to take the ice and will be subject to OMHA Tournament rule 19.2 sec C, D
a. Bantam teams, who play all games in Shallow Lake, do not need to report to Rec Ctr. 
3. All teams must have a certified trainer on the bench at all times. 
4. All players and coaching staff certificates must be available for examination at any time during the course of the tournament upon request. 
5. All teams must be prepared to play 15 minutes prior to scheduled game time. 
6. Teams will line up and shake hands prior to the beginning of the game. 
7. The team designated as the HOME team must occupy the HOME bench and wear LIGHT colour jerseys. Home teams are listed second in the schedule. 
8. All game suspensions shall be assessed as per OMHA regulations. Suspensions are an Official’s call and the tournament committee cannot over turn any suspensions handed out by an Official. 
9. Any Fighting Major will result in automatic player disqualification for the remainder of the tournament. 
10. A 3 minute warm up will commence on the clock when the Zamboni leaves the ice. Please make sure your team is ready. There is a new game every hour. Warm-ups will not be extended so that games and the tournament stay on time all day. 
11. Owen Sound Minor Hockey (OSMH) strongly supports the Zero Tolerance Policy against the abuse of OMHA Officials. Any player, team member, team official or spectator may be asked to leave the playing area or arena premises by an OSMH Official. 
12. Teams are asked to change as quickly as possible after their game and to vacate the dressing rooms within 20 minutes following the game. Teams are expected to leave the dressing rooms in good clean condition. Any team that causes damage to a dressing room will be held liable and may be removed from the tournament 
13.      Mercy rule - when a team is ahead by 5 goals, the clock will run straight time at the beginning of the third period. If the goals margin drops below 4, timing will revert back to Stop Time. 
14.      A winner must be determined for every game.  Ties cannot stand.  See Rule 15.
15.      In all games ties will be settled by playing overtime with sudden victory in the following manner: 
a.           3 minutes  - stop time of 3 on 3 play. Face-off at centre.  If still tied, 
b.           The clock will be set to 5 minutes, but play will occur 1 on 1 until a goal is scored.  Face-off at centre. 
c.            If a penalty occurs in overtime, the offending player will serve their 2 minutes but the opposing team will play with an extra man.  The offending player will be released to the game when the penalty expires.  (eg – during 3 on 3 play, team A is given a penalty.  The remainder of the 3 on 3 will be played with 4 skaters for Team B and 3 for Team A.  The 1 on 1 will be played 2 on 1 until the penalty expires etc.  2 on 2 will then continue after the next whistle.) 
e.             Goalies may not be pulled during the overtime.
f. If still tied, then a shoot out. 1 at a time until a winner is decided. No "3 shooters" to start.  
16. LENGTH OF GAMES WILL BE AS FOLLOWS. (All games are Stop Time – See Rule 13 for Application of Mercy Rule) For All Divisions 10 10 12 
17. Tie Breaker after pool play;
a. Head to Head
b. Better Goals for/against %.
c. Fewest Goals Against
d. Most Goals For
e. Fewest penalty minutes.
f. Quickest goal in Pool Play.
g. Coin Toss

18. Tournament / division formats are created while keeping OMHA Regulation 19.2 L in mind where no team can play more than 3 games in 1 day.

19. This is our first LL tournament and all feedback, good or bad, is appreciated so we can make improvements for the following year.

Due to Municipal and Insurance regulations, at no time are players allowed on the ice without a helmet. Spectators are never allowed on the ice at any time to take pictures or for any other reasons. We respectfully request your co-operation and compliance. NO PROTESTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. THE TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE’S DECISIONS WILL BE FINAL.