Oct 03, 2012 | Rick Papke | 1550 views
Harold Sutherland Major Peewee Team makes a difference!!
At the end of September the
Harold Sutherland Jr. Attack - Major PeeWee team and families filled
two large Hockey bags full of
clothes, linens, hygiene products, toys, books etc and sent them to an Orphanage in Haiti. (Welcome Home Services)
Their generous spirit helped make the lives of those less fortunate a little brighter!! Thanks to Erin and Brennan Ireland for their leadership in organizing this donation.
Below are some pictures of the children enjoying their new toys & books.
Sat Nov 17th
the team will be
for the local
Salvation Army
prior to the
Owen Sound Attack game.
Please come and support them as they collect
non-perishable food
monetary donations
to support those in need
in our community.


