Jan 30, 2011 | midgetmjr | 1182 views
Great Weekend For The Crescents
The Crescents took to the ice twice this weekend.
Game #1 took place Saturday night at home vs. Centre Wellington where our Midgets won 4-1.
Goals came from Zach Mitchell (unassisted), John Morris (assists from Skylar LeBlanc and Kyle Linthorne), David Vander Ploeg (assists from Dylan Carder and Adam Roy) and Josh Bumstead (assisted by Chris Baker).
Sunday they travelled to Milton and pulled off another win with a final score of 4-2.
Goals came from Ryan Hamelin (assisted by Darren Borland), John Morris (assisted by Dylan Carder and Zach Mitchell), Zach Mitchell (assisted by Josh Bumstead and Tyler Weatherhead) and again Ryan Hamelin (unassisted).
With these 2 wins the Crescents are now tied with Woolwich at 4 & 1. Final and deciding game for the OMHA Preliminary Round is Wednesday night in Elmira.
Go get them boys. We know you can do it!!!