Sep 23, 2010 | bantammnr | 343 views
POSTED SEPT 27, 2010 @ 9:56 PM,
Quick reference guide
Saturday September 25, @ 1:45 - FROM THE OSCVI - bus leaves at 1:45.
- food stop on the way home
-warm up clothes and runners
- remember parents at the back, kids in the middle, coaching staff at the front
- no ball caps, just pretty hair (its really hard to keep the humor to a minimum)
- medical sheets due (don't forget OHIP #)
- first payment due (busy day!!)
Tuesday September 28, 6:00 - 7:30 PM - NO DRY LAND PRACTICE
ON ICE Practice from 8:30 to 10:00
Thursday September 30 - Last day to book room at Comfort Inn for Oct tournament