Mar 11, 2011 | Rick Papke | 2039 views
Novice Advance to GB Finals
After a tough series with Collingwood, The Canadian Tire Novice "A" Team will advance to the Georgian Bay Finals.
The series was a best 2 out of 3 (since Collingwood is still playing in the OMHA's).
The Attack won the first game at home 2-0 and managed a 1-1 tie in Collingwood. With hopes of putting the series away, the Attack travelled to Collingwood and came up short resulting in a 1-0 loss. The series now tied, the Novice's came home Thursday and defeated Collingwood 1-0 to advance.
Congratulations kids. Great effort.
The Attack now await Oro or Elmvale (to be decided on March 13th) as their opponents in the Championships.