Dec 12, 2010 | Rick Papke | 1688 views
Novice Silver Stick
The Major Novice team travelled to Midland this past weekend for their first road tournament; a Silver Stick Qualifier.
Mason Adams earned a shutout in the 1st game and Brayden Krueger led the team with two goals in a 4-0 win over Huntsville. Sam Shakes and Mitch Kaufman added to the tally.
Joel Coghlin scored the lone marker in the second game as Centre Wellington defeated Owen Sound 5 - 1.
New Hamburg finished off any hopes of the team continuing by earning a 5 - 1 victory. Sam Shakes scored the only goal for Owen Sound.
New Hamburg went on to win the qualifier by defeating Collingwood 4-0 in the semi's and Innisfil 3-1 in the finals.
The Attack will be travelling to Hespeler over the Christmas break for their next tourney.