Elegibility (Owen Sound Minor Hockey Group)


To be eligible to coach hockey in Ontario, a coach must complete the OHF Screening Process. The process requires:

  • A valid Vulnerable Sector Check.
  • A signed OHF Screening Declaration Form.
Vulnerable Sector Check

A Vulnerable Sector Check is required by persons who volunteer in Canada and who will be in a position of authority or trust relative to vulnerable individuals. Vulnerable Sector Checks are conducted by the police service that has jurisdiction in the area in which the volunteer resides and are valid for three (3) years.

If you require a Vulnerable Sector Check, you must first request a Volunteer Letter from the Owen Sound Minor Hockey Group. Click here to request your Volunteer Letter.

OHF Screening Declaration Form

The OHF Screening Declaration Form is a supplemental form that must be completed every year. Click here to request your OHF Screening Declaration Form.

OHF Screening Process

The OHF has centralized the screening process. They have Record Check Inspectors that will determine your eligibility. When you have your Vulnerable Sector Check results and/or your signed OHF Screening Declaration Form, you can start the OHF Screening Process by clicking here.