2024-2025 Player/Parent Feedback Survey (Owen Sound Minor Hockey Group)

2024-2025 Player/Parent Feedback Survey
Thank you for providing insight into your child's hockey experience at this point in the season. This survey aims to collect feedback from both participants and parents / guardians concerning player experience, player development, parent experience and overall program satisfaction. Your input is highly valued and will play a crucial role in our ongoing efforts to deliver the best possible program for your child. Please understand that your feedback will remain confidential and will not be shared directly with Team Staff. Your feedback will be used only to drive Program Improvements, Growth and Support.

Player Information

Please enter the player information associated with this survey.

Player Experience

This section focuses on the player's experience to this point in the season.

Player Development

This section focuses on the player's development to this point in the season. The second question regarding hockey IQ only applies to U10 and up. Our U5-U9 and Learn To Play programs only focus on individual skill.

Parent Experience

This section focuses on the parent's experience to this point in the season.

Bench Staff - Games

This section focuses on fair play, sportsmanship, and respect demonstrated by the head coach and the other bench staff during games. This section only applies to U8 and up, U5-U7 and Learn To Play can move to the next section.

Bench Staff - Practices

This section focuses on the preparation and execution of practices.

Bench Staff - Professionalism

This section focuses on the professionalism of the bench staff.